Adrian Bîndiu




Surely 2021 represented a pandemic year and a year in which culture suffered a lot. For us, visual artists, I am sure it was as difficult as for any other artist. For me, at least, this year included several challenges and at the same time I had to find solutions to be able to continue my artistic practice. But was a year which developed me even more and at the same time, it reconfirmed that we need to try continuously to reinvent ourselves and we need to be able to find solutions both for us, as visual creators, and for our entire system which have not been in its better shape and prepared to support us, the artists, in these difficult times.

It was a year of challenges, but I did manage to overcome them all and I think this new year, 2022, will be a surprising one. My involvement in this project, which was about the life with HIV, this Romanian-Norwegian project, got from the fact that the ones living with HIV in certain parts of the word have a certain protection and support from the local systems. But this is not happening everywhere, also in other parts of the world. For me, my involvement in this project, represents a way to raise awareness on the life with HIV and to make it more visible and of interest for the ones not very open or interested on the challenges of the life with HIV.

In the development process of my creation, I was inspired by the discussion had with the person from Norway who is living with HIV, but also by several discussions held here in Romania with several people living with HIV. These discussions have been determinant in the development process of my artwork, which is a shout which I hope to have effect in the cultural domain but not only. I hope this shout, this scream, to unite us all, or as many from us, for this fight which doesn’t have to be only the fight of the people living with HIV but a common one, a fight which to promote goodness and understanding and leads to a higher level of openness and perspective on what it means the life with HIV. This fight is not an individual fight but one which should involve us all.

The message my artwork transmits to the public is message related to the stigma faced by the ones living with HIV, definitely against it, against indifference and the fear majority has when it comes the people living with HIV. This message is a shout and a fight against stigma, a message which should have a visceral impact and an impact to cover from all its aspects the fight of the ones living with HIV. A message with a high eco which to remain in the mind of the public who will see my art works but also other art works development with this occasion. A message to remain with the public everywhere which now or later could have contact with this subject and to be a call of action to get involved with the people living with HIV against stigma. To be a common fight in the end and to ensure the people living with HIV that we are with them, supporting them, for a better life.

So, my message is simple as that: FIGHT against STIGMA.
